- Please click on the Sign-In button to log in to the Portal using your registered email ID & password.
- User credentials have been shared over registered email.
Keep the following items in your hand before applying :
Scanned photograph (Less than 100KB)
Scanned signature (Less than 100KB)
Scanned copy of original document of Education qualification, Caste (If any) etc.
Credit card, Net banking or ATM-cum-Debit card if available
Eligibility criteria: Click Here
Notification: Click Here
Vacant Seats Details : Click Here
Schedule of Ph.D. Entrance Test (PET) :
1. Date of online Ph.D. Entrance Test : 15.09.2024
2. Commencement of filling online applications : 05.08.2024
3. Last date of filling online applications : 23.08.2024
4. Publication of result on the University website : 18.09.2024